My Favorite Dinner


While there are plenty of unhealthy activities I enjoy (baking–and eating–cupcakes, fried and/or fast foods, drinking too much, soaking up the sun, being lazy…), there are definitely times where a dose of healthful living is necessary. Enter, one of my favorite meals. Not only is it simple, it’s flavorful, refreshing and makes you feel great afterwards. This is one of my go-to dinners when I’ve been behaving badly. 🙂
First, I dice up tomatoes, onions and jalapeños, throw them together in a bowl and squeeze half a lime over it. (The amount is dependent on how many mouths you feed.) Stick it into the fridge to marinate for 20 minutes, an hour, a few days–your choice. When it’s dinner time, put a pot of water on the burner and preheat the oven to the temp needed for your fish. I made tilapia at 425 degrees. Spread a little olive oil onto a rimmed cookie sheet, then lay your fish down and season the way you like. I used butter, white wine, lemon juice with the peels, and my Feisty Fish seasoning. Liquid is important when baking fish to ensure it doesn’t dry out.
When the water is boiling, throw in your rice and cook as directed.
Bake your fish at the time needed (fish varies depending on size and variety), and then create your masterpiece! I lay the rice down in a flat spread, then the fish, and then spoon the salsa mixture on top. Gorgeous and absolutely delicious, it’s a treat every time. 😉


doing what we do

i cannot read comments anymore.  i just can’t — they anger me, & i want to reply to every single one of them with my brand of knowledge attack.  obviously, that would be overkill, but its upsetting to see so many people

a. blame our President for problems he never created, like a high debt, high gas prices or the weather

b. have no support for the members of society who were NOT born into the middle class & need government help to survive.

c. don’t even read the article & simply use the comments section to stand on their soapbox

i sort of hate how political i have gotten, in a way.  maybe as soon as a year and a half ago, i didn’t feel informed & was embarrassed that i wasn’t.  it made me feel like a child, like i wanted to be part of “adult” conversations but since i wasn’t informed, i couldn’t.  (ahhhh the contradictions!!)  now i am informed, OVER informed, & it stresses me out.  then again, i have a wild imagination.

what i see is an increasingly polarized country, with liberals on one side and conservatives on the other.  both groups are slinging mud & blame at the other, and the American people are the big losers in it all.  i just read that people are dying in this over 100 degree heat because they can’t afford to put on their air conditioning.  usually they are supported by a government that will help them pay for their energy bill, but that budget has been SLASHED, so now most people will no longer be supported by it.  people are dying in this heat.

i hate to sound like a crazy person, but i keep thinking of 12/2012 as this point that we are leading up to.  Oil spills, record breaking heat & cold, birds dying in the sky, Japan under water, nuclear power plants submerged by floods, increasing civil animosity…..the only thing that keeps me from screaming in the streets (besides the heat) is that i convince myself every generation feels the Earth getting sick under their feet.  older people chalk it up to that, & who am i to argue with those who have lived longer than me?  its not like spotting the warning signs is going to save me anyway.

breaking away from that heaviness, i’ve been cooking up a storm lately, which makes me tired & happy.  last night i made shrimp tacos from scratch (except the shrimp was pre-cooked…), making cucumber-tomato salsa, sauteed peppers, and flour tortillas (thick ones since i have no rolling pin).  here’s my super easy recipe for tortillas:

2 c. flour
1 tsp. salt
1/2 c. shortening
3/4 c. warm water

Mix together the flour & salt, then add shortening.  Add water slowly and mix in until all together.  Put on floured surface (flour those hands too!!) and knead for one minute.  Break into 8 same size balls.  Heat pan to medium and flatten each ball (one at a time) to about 6 in. wide.  Place in pan – should bubble when ready.

I personally have usually halved it, and I also have to flip my tortilla over & cook both sides since they are too thick.  last night i overcooked one though, it became hard & cracked when i tried to make it into a taco.

I have also been growing zucchini & I now have 3 large ones that I need to use!  I have decided to take on this pizza recipe I saw a bit ago that sounded quite delicious.  Scarily, I have decided to make the pizza dough as well (ahhh) which has the same ingredients as the tortilla except active dry yeast is added as well.  The actual pizza itself is lemon juice & goat cheese spread on as the sauce, and then thin sliced zucchini is placed on top, overlapping each other.  More lemon juice & a splash of olive oil on top.  Yum!

Some other creative tasks I have taken part in:

*my job is always a lovely place for this
*the project i have with Mr. C…..:D
*i think its safe to mention i am almost done writing a new short story!!

i guess that’s all we can in the face of impending doom…………………..keep doing what we do.



get acquainted with DIRTYMOUTH

something exciting is coming to the feisty fatale brand……………..its still in the works & i certainly don’t want to ruin the surprise.  however, since i love graphics i created a Photoshop hint.  its stylish, cos thats how i roll.

how to live like a bitch, scare your boyfriend, & be creative every day

Feisty is BORED, How to Live Like a Bitch, How to Scare Your Horror-Loving Boyfriend

Photoshop baby!  Maybe I’m too fast at my job, but today & yesterday I have been finding myself with nothing to do.  This time I decided to at least create something with my time instead of nervously trolling the internet.  So instead I nervously created pictures in Photoshop using shapes. Yayyyy shapes!  (if you are wondering why nervously, its because my boss walks into my office randomly all the time & i don’t want him to know i have nothing to do.  well…i do want him to know i have nothing to do, but i don’t want him to know i’m doing nothing. ha)

I think I will try to do that more often, though, it was fun!  Maybe its my job, but I feel like I have been focusing more on my art than my writing.  I’ve gotten kind of bored with writing, & have been getting ideas for videos to make, paintings or drawings to do, etc.  Last night I found a fresh sharpie in an old purse & drew a picture of my boyfriend looking at his iPod & it just felt so satisfying.  & then tonight I will get to practice one of my other favorite creative things to do & make dinner.  Steak, red wine mushrooms & redskin potato olive oil fries (delicious recipe I tweaked & made more delicious).

I am still being creative, lovies!  But until I get really inspired to write a good story, I’m taking a break from it.  I’m tired of false starts and half baked ideas.  I will try to start posting more art to make up for that.


pee-stained carpets & the welcome-home shit

hi.  i’ve been trying to write a new story, but i’m sort of having an identity crisis… a writer.  not in real life.  but i feel like my style is changing & i’m finding it boring, & i want to get back to my roots.  my sudden fiction, the gothic or sexual imagery, & me wanting to try something new.  if its not experimental, i find it to be stale.

in other news, i am feeling like the ice queen.  i have much love for people & if you saw the way i react when i see a baby or a puppy, you would want to pretend you didn’t know me.  no, i love the people i like, but i don’t want an animal.  i have no heart for the full time job of caring for a dog or cat.  & they said that all of your friends were going to start having babies, & husbands, & blah blah blah, there went every conversation.  but they were wrong!  because its really about the pets.

look, i like animals.  my current job allows people to bring in their animals (plantware = animal friendly, apparently), & so you could say i work beside a beautiful, soft blond mutt & on occasion, run into a meowing, purring fat cat.  but petting it & scratching behind its ears is not the same as pet hair all over my clothes.  & my couch & then its in my mouth because its floating in the air.  (i have lived with animals for many years & this is a sad fact of life.)

the extra incentive of going for walks & getting outside would be a plus, except in the cold Virginian winter, where my full time job is hibernating hermit.  a cat is easier, but they jump up on kitchen counter tops & walk wherever they please…..& cleaning the cat box never gets less degrading.  so, all this probably sounds like EXCUSES, EXCUSES.


& to that i say, meh.  i have lived with the heroes, & i have dealt with it.  i have lived through pee-stained carpets and the welcome-home shit and hair in the mouth.  i’m not very motherly to begin with, so i’ve got to save whatever i got for the kickass baby i’m going to have.  or maybe mr. c will just get extra spoiled.


wine talk

i would like to meet a spam robot.  make friends with it even.  i could ask my robot friend why they like talking about such unrelated topics as my penis & pleasing my non-existent woman.  i could even help my spam robot friend, & let them know how to sound like a real person so that they would be undetected.  for example

that is an interesting point of view.  i, too, think old people can be quite annoying.  i heard that viagra chases them away.

see?  i would say to my robot friend.  see how easy it is to fool the general public?  & then i would point out sarah palin as an A+ example.  she is magnifique in the robot world.  she says spammy things all the time & because it is on topic, no one is the wiser.  someone needs to give her one of those spam filters & see if she can type out TRYABORTION written in wavy lettering.  hopefully she’ll just blow up.

but i think maybe i’m just glamored by the movies.  terminator 2 told me that robots are dangerous & evil, but loyal.  just like people.  except robots tell it like it is, like jackee on sister, sister.  or most famous black women, for that matter.  so maybe what i really want is a black friend.

i have an asian friend, & she is honest and usually “tells it like it is,” but in a nice way.  she is really nice to everyone – is that an asian stereotype?  she’s not a stereotype, but we all fall into categories sometimes.  like, she is asian.  that is a category, just like i am white.  she calls me her caucasian twin, because it rhymes with asian, and i call her my asian twin.  we call ourselves twins because we are alike, though very different in many ways.  so basically, we are longtime friends and a fan of wordplay.

but i do seriously lack diversity.  my boyfriend is white, my closest friends (besides suburbanette) are white, my co-workers are white, & even my whole family is white.   so maybe having a spam robot for a friend would change all that, because they would not be white.  i guess they would be metal, technically.  & then i could say i had a colored friend.


i would’ve wrote more but i smashed up this keyboard & now my hands hurt

so, i am working on a new story that actually has structure, & so far no one is planned to die.  the working title is Counterfeit Gold, so you can come up with your own theory on what that means.   😛

yes, i got a job in short pump, the fancy area of richmond.  in other words, the not run down & trashed area of richmond. it really is quite nice, & i must say, this is probably the first job i have not wanted to leave after a day, or made justifications for.  like…i guess i do like keeping files organized, so it isn’t that bad.  no, my biggest problems are finding something to do  & COMPOSITION.  baby, im loving it.

happiness makes the art a little harder, but im chipping away at it.  me & mr. c are as domestic as they come now…….the only shows i know of coming up are SW 25th anniversary in Chicago at the end of May, & Joey Cape himself personally let me know that he is coming to DC in June.  Ya, he sends me mail & we talk on Twitter – i am thisclose to having dirty backstage sex with him.  its cool! – he’s on my list.  as im sure mr.c would feel the same way about….carla gugino? claudia wells? arnold schwarzenegger?  i dont know!!


alright, i gotta go before i destroy this keyboard –FUK IRELESS KEYBADS!!!!!!!!!! (this is how it types — that says fuck wireless keyboards)


i need someone to die

whoa….its been a little while.

gotta keep up with the fb & the twitter, you know….its hard when you almost avoid going online.  plus its not like things happen every day, though i did get a job so i will probably been keeping up with this even less.  lammmmmmeeeeeeeeee.

lets see….ive been thinking of buying a typewriter.  my reasons include how i can type my friends letters & i will be creatively inspired by all the old timeyness of it all. plus, im going for this whole poor howard hughes look, so today i bought a kiddie pool & a 4-pack of burt’s bees lip balm, because seriously………………………..that is the only shit worth buying online in a 4-pack.  i have used others, mainly because most gas stations & supermarkets do not carry burt’s bees (is it a secret pact they have with cvs?), & they can’t compare! like, anyone else in the lip balm market just needs to stop, because they all really suck.  but im also a bit of a mint freak…

i started writing an outline today about something that would actually be structured and have an underlying overall message about life…im trying to stay truthful.  it’ll still be feisty but like feistyUnraveled….Uncovered? Unveiled?  Maybe…i like veils. i would really like the opportunity to wear one because i cant really pull off the netting in my face look. i need someone to die.


musings from a faded muse

greetings from the depths of hell!

i recently posted 2 stories on my website, REAL LIFE & SASSY.  read them NOW!  REAL LIFE is about a club visit that gets messy, & SASSY is the tale of Sassy Splash’s little known beginning.  You probably don’t even know who Sassy Splash is, do you??? psshhhh………..get educated!!

as always, my stories are READATYOUROWNRISK!  especially Sassy!  if you like trashy, sexy talk, then read on! otherwise, go play with your care bears, nerd.  thats really not even an insult, since i have care bears & i’m most definitely a nerd.


in personal feisty news, i’ve sort of hit a hard spot.  i’ve got stuff to work on, & ideas in the cooker, but every time i face a blank page i find myself wandering off & unable to spit anything out.
i’m sure its a combination of moving to richmond, feeling cut off, hating the cold weather, not getting a job yet, being lazy…… one word, DEPRESSION. i’ve had it a good chunk of my life, off & on.  And for a good while it was off because i was feeling useful & loved, i guess.  So when it comes back, i become one of those assholes thats like “shake it off!”  fyi, its not that easy.

i’m reading the bell jar right now, i’ve read it many times & i love it, so i’m reading it again.  & i know the funk she feels, because i feel it too.  sylvia plath (or esther..) is more dramatic than me, but hopelessness, feeling uninspired, and wanting nothing but sleep is something we have in common right now.

there’s another part of it too, the confusion of too many choices in front of you.  her problem was she didn’t want any of it, she didn’t want to be a wife or pregnant, or a secretary.  my problem is i can’t afford it, i’m stuck being poor.  i’m stuck with the bad choices i already made, with the selfishness in which i went about my early 20s.  realistically, i cannot fathom feeling the weight of 39 years behind you, at 40 years old.  i am turning 27 in june and i already feel too much damage has been done.

well, i think thats enough scary talk for one blog post.  i couldn’t be all light & fluffy forever dear.  inside, (& starting to be outside) i am just too heavy for that.

keep breathing kids.

fuck the appletini

feisty just posted the long awaited………………FAN!!!!!!!!!

that’s right bitches, its finally done.  ryan c. is one tough cookie!  he pushed me, but its good that he did because then you wouldn’t be feasting (feisting…:)) your eyes on the amazing work of art that it is.  AMAZING. NOW WATCH IT.

so…………in other news, feisty likes to do does dumb things every once in awhile, & that includes alcohol poisoning.  no big deal, you just can’t keep anything down for a day….even water.  whatever! fuck the appletini is all i can say.

after that terrific day, i was left with shitty cold symptoms which has made me less than willing to do more than sleep & watch true blood. but fear not, because i am coming back baby.  i had another idea for a short story called CRIMINAL, so i’ve added that on to my plate & i’m going to try & make it my goal to finish one of the others that float around before the end of this week………….so that it can enter into the editing stage. Ha!

plus now that FAN is done, i can finally move on to something new.  yes, i can work on 5,000 stories at once but for some reason, the vids come one at a time.  i suppose my mind works over time with words more than images, so there you go! i’m neurotic, what can i say?

bullets & bellini tinis,

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