i watch way too much food network

Reason #1: I have a hardcore lesbian crush on Anne Burrell.

Reason #2:

Reason #3: I can no longer stand slack-jawed ‘dudes’ chowing down on their newest favorite grease fest, & then proclaiming it “Awesome!”
“Mega flavor!”
“Porkliciousness!”…….wait, wtf???

Perhaps i can deal with the dudeness & even turn a (temporary) blind eye to the troubling, limited vocabulary.  But maybe, instead of seeing how many chicken wings they can scarf, or taking on the country’s biggest burger, steak, ice cream sundae, etc, they visit a place that isn’t going to add 5 pounds of lard & make you feel like shit for the rest of the day.  Would it kill them to visit a sushi restaurant?  Seafood? Chinese? Thai? Maybe even check out tasty mainstream cuisine in other countries?  They could even stick to the ones we Americans know best, like Canada, England, Italy and France.  The point is – I don’t want to see another fat guy take a bite of a huge sandwich & then exclaim that it tastes “good.”  Really?  I’m sure that review has really nothing to do with your first bite and everything to do with the chef anxiously waiting less than a foot away.

my kind advice for those guys?  get a dictionary, expand your menu, & stop being a lardass.


how to live like a bitch, scare your boyfriend, & be creative every day

Feisty is BORED, How to Live Like a Bitch, How to Scare Your Horror-Loving Boyfriend

Photoshop baby!  Maybe I’m too fast at my job, but today & yesterday I have been finding myself with nothing to do.  This time I decided to at least create something with my time instead of nervously trolling the internet.  So instead I nervously created pictures in Photoshop using shapes. Yayyyy shapes!  (if you are wondering why nervously, its because my boss walks into my office randomly all the time & i don’t want him to know i have nothing to do.  well…i do want him to know i have nothing to do, but i don’t want him to know i’m doing nothing. ha)

I think I will try to do that more often, though, it was fun!  Maybe its my job, but I feel like I have been focusing more on my art than my writing.  I’ve gotten kind of bored with writing, & have been getting ideas for videos to make, paintings or drawings to do, etc.  Last night I found a fresh sharpie in an old purse & drew a picture of my boyfriend looking at his iPod & it just felt so satisfying.  & then tonight I will get to practice one of my other favorite creative things to do & make dinner.  Steak, red wine mushrooms & redskin potato olive oil fries (delicious recipe I tweaked & made more delicious).

I am still being creative, lovies!  But until I get really inspired to write a good story, I’m taking a break from it.  I’m tired of false starts and half baked ideas.  I will try to start posting more art to make up for that.


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